Establishment of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)
In pursuance of the Clause 4(1), Chapter II of the Sexual Harassment of Women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, and “Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)” has been constituted with the following members.
1. | Mr.S. Raja | Manager | Presiding Officer | 9786614888 |
2. | Dr.S. Anandalatchoumy | Prof / HOD – ECE | Member | 8220002855 |
3. | Dr.Y. Thiagarajan | Prof / HOD – EEE | Member | 7708257580 |
4. | Dr. Sathish kumar | Prof / HOD – MBA | Member | 9894792528 |
5. | Mr. Senthil kumaran | Sr.AP/HOD-MCA | Member | 9789667780 |
6. | Mr. Jothi lingam | Asso.Prof / HOD-Civil | Member | 7904351306 |
7. | Mrs.K. Sudha | Sr.AP/ HOD-CSE | Member | 9791895591 |
8. | Mrs. Tamilselvi | HR / Chemfab POSH TRAINER |
Member | 6369687534 |
9. | Mrs. Pooja kumar | CEO, Intellect IP services |
Member | 9910627125 |
10. | Ms. M. Kanchana Bhagya | STUDENT | Member | 9751483622 |
11. | Ms. K. Hephzibah | STUDENT | Member | 9786684570 |
The member shall hold the office for a period of Three-year w.e.t from 18.01.2022. The Presiding Officer shall send notice of the meeting to the members as and when meeting is convened. Working Rules for the ICC is attached:
The Aggrieved women may make, in writing, a complaint of sexual harassment at work place to the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), within a period of three months from the date of incident. Six (6) copies of a written complaint should be submitted to the committee or any of its members along with list of witnesses and supporting documents. The Internal complaints Committee conduct inquiry as per the working rules and submit its report along with recommendations to the undersigned for implementation.